Sunday, October 14, 2007

Risky Shift

Okay, I took a little Risk myself and have decided on this topic as my Blog 2 topic. It's a little new to me and I may have thrown myself in the deep end but I am willing to learn and would love some help or experiences from anyone else.
Basically the definition of risky shift is "a tendency for groups to take greater risks than the same individuals would have decided (on average) individually".

So I understand that and I have an example. When in Africa, I went white water rafting and I am not normally the thrill seeking type, I like to bushwalk and sight-see etc, yet I decided to take part in this as I was travelling at the time with a group of 4 typical Aussie boys who thought it would be a good idea, thus I was swayed to take a riskier course of action then if I had have made the decision on my own.

Can anyone else provide me with examples of their own, or times where this phenomena might occur more than others? This topic is also related to group polarization, and it can also go the other way, from risk to conservatism working on the same principles of individual v the group.
The term group ploarization effect is also swimming around there to describe the two extremes of the phenomena.
So if anyone has any interesting stories to perk me up whilst doing work, feel free to let me know.

Thanks guys.


Rebekah said...

Hey em!
This looks like a really interesting topic.

There are so many examples that come to mide when thinkking about risky shift.

There are so many examples of risky decisions including vantalism, theft, fights- where people are so much more likely to participate in when in the comfort of a group.

I know a girl from my hometown (not someone I would consider a friend) that actually got swept up with a group of young men and ended up murdering an elderly man they were robbing (last year)-- I know this girl, and her family, and that would have never happened, i dont think, if she wernt in the risky shift of a group.

Good luck with blog 2..

Beck xx

James Neill said...

FYI, I've added a few links here on Risky Shift.

Fiona said...

Hi Emily,

I can see a lot of instances in risky shift in my life where situations have arose where I may be more inclined to take a risk after deciding with others.

I think there are other variables that come into play though. Maybe it is not necessarily the inlfuence of the group that may effect you but the mere comfort of a group. Such as when you were rafting, you might not have done that by yourself, not beacuse you talked to the other boys but because you knew that you weren't 'alone' with them doing it too.

On a completely different thought(I'm in political psychology mode!) what if our local, federal government was effected by risky shift? Does that mean that riskier policies were more likely happen when they were discussed in groups?

By the way, I think the opposite of risky shift- "stingy shift" is quite funny for psychologists speak!

Best of luck!

EmDeegs said...

Hey, cool point with the whole government thing, that would be a bit scary. I think that maybe, governments tend to lean towards the opposite end of the spectrum and if anything experience more of the conservative shift, which I supposse can be a good thing as it probably means we don't get so many crazy decisions being made for us, I dont know, they are just my thoughts.

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Haya Zaah said...

That was your very risky shift but I saw also a risky shift in my life. Once upon I went to travel from my assignment writers Dubai. We were getting the enjoy to reveal after a long time.

Andrew Smith said...

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testy said...
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Daisy Sophia said...
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Daisy Sophia said...

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